You're the girl I used to be
You little heartbroken thirteen year old me
You're laughing
But you're hiding
God I know that trick too well
A letter to my 13 year old self,
Hello Sweetie, how are you today? Firstly let me tell you something, You did it! You're eighteen and you're still here. I know you always found that hard to see as a possibility but here I am and I'm so proud of you. I know people don't tell you this enough but others are too and I wish you would see that (it really would help prevent a lot of hurt).
Now, we really need to talk about something. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT! You did nothing wrong and having been you, I know that it is playing on your mind. I know I can't change that but just for five minutes give yourself a break, please.
You are a warrior, which really helps when your life is a battlefield, and because you're a warrior I know that you've still got your spark. That spark is what is going to get you through and sometimes, yes sometimes, it may hide itself away but it is a part of you. Okay? Okay.
That's another thing those bands and books you're obsessed with right now, that's nothing compared to the storm that's coming! But that's not a bad thing, lose yourself in them and never be afraid that they'll look sad to other people. People are going to come into your life that will love you for those exact things.
Taylor Swift is an angel and you are not wrong in loving her (tip from the future: people here now love her too).
I don't want to tell you too much about what's going to happen, I don't want to ruin the surprise and honestly you need to ride this rollercoaster to believe it. Like really, it's a bumpy ride but it shapes you into this wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey person you are today.
Also, the music you're going to discover makes me proud to have been you. Honestly your music taste is first rate, don't let anyone else's opinion deter you (they'll probably love it in a few years anyway). I'm listening to one of your choices as we speak, have you found Demi Lovato Warrior or skyscraper yet? If not go find those songs and honestly don't be ashamed when you cry, I do.
For now sweetie, I have to go but I still think of you and I am beyond proud of you. Now carry on fighting honey, it will pay off. Remember to be a kid for a while, never grow up.
Until we meet again,
Future you xx